Filmdagbok del 137
1/2 Bristande bevis 8/10
2/2 1917 9/10, The Irishman 7/10
7/2 Speed 8/10
9/2 I lost my body 6/10, Once upon a time in Hollywood 6/10
11/2 Bean - den totala katastroffilmen 8/!0
14/2 Speed 2 5/10
16/2 You’re next 7/10, Mr. Beans semester 5/10
23/2 Pet sematary (1989) 8/10, Dogtooth 7/10
24/2 Suspiria (1977) 6/10
26/2 Suspiria 6/10
Filmdagbok del 136
4/1 Hell fest 5/10
7/1 Marriage story 7/10
8/1 The kindergarten teacher 7/10
14/1 Jojo Rabbit 7/10
10/1 The curse of La Llorona 7/10
21/1 Bombshell - när tystnaden bryts 8/10, Parasit 8/10
27/1 Borg 6/10
28/1 Color out of space 6/10
31/1 The two popes 7/10
Filmdagbok del 135
4/12 The lighthouse 5/10
7/12 Dark water (2002) 7/10
10/12 Claus 8/10
13/12 Lovely Molly 6/10
18/12 Star wars episod IX: The rise of Skywalker 7/10
22/12 Nu är det jul igen 8/12, Ensam hemma 7/10, Ensam hemma 2 7/10
23/12 The vvitch 6/10
25/12 Fanny och Alexander 9/10 In the tall grass 4/10
30/12 Frost 2 9/10
Filmdagbok del 134
2/11 Bernard och Bianca i Australien 6/10
3/11 Terminator: dark fate 7/10
10/11 Tomb raider (2017) 4/10,
Stephen Kings Doctor Sleep 8/10
13/11 Tomb raider 4/10
15/11 The first purge 5/10, Tomb raider: cradle of life 3/10
24/11 The matrix 8/10
25/11 Knives out 8/10
30/11 The mirror cracked 7/10
Filmdagbok del 133
1/10 Ad astra 7/10
5/10 Arq 4/10
13/10 Hard rain 7/10
22/10 The invitation 7/10
26/10 Ouija 5/10
29/10 Joker 9/10, Tombraider (2018) 4/10
30/10 Bernard och Bianca 7/10
Filmdagbok del 132
3/9 The dead don’t die 5/10
6/9 Hush (2009) 7/10
7/9 The thing 7/10
8/9 It: chapter 2 6/10
21/9 The dog year 3/10
28/9 Hush (2016) 6/10
Filmdagbok del 131
3/8 Crawl 7/10
8/8 Midsommar 4/10
13/8 Hajen 10/10
14/8 Dark skies 7/10, Demonic 6/10
17/8 The girl in the spiders web 5/10
19/8 Spider-man: Far from home 6/10, Scary stories to tell in the dark 7/10
23/8 Dark water (am) 7/10, Eldflugornas grav 7/10
29/8 Jigsaw 5/10
Fildagbok del 130
1/7 Annabelle comes home 5/10
6/7 Wild at heart 6/10
7/7 It 5/10
10/7 Rosemarys baby 8/10
11/7 När Marnie var där 9/10
13/7 Happy death day 3/10
14/7 Nattvardsgästerna 5/10
15/7 Sommaren med Monika 7/10
16/7 Endless night 4/10
19/7 Romeo och Julia 7/10
20/7 Minnen av igår 5/10
31/7 Don’t be afraid of the dark 4/10, Lida 9/10
Filmdagbok del 129
10/6 Potatishandlaren 8/10
11/6 Carny 2/10
13/6 Adam & Eva 5/10
14/6 Närkontakt av fjärde graden 6/10
15/6 Rose Red 7/10
Filmdagbok del 128
2/5 Long shot 7/10
4/5 A ghost story 8/10
8/5 The prescence 4/10
11/5 The silence 4/10
13/5 Whitney 7/10
15/5 The hole in the ground 8/10
17/5 The silent house 3/10
20/5 Min store tjocke far 5/10
24/5 House of voices 5/10
29/5 Godzilla 2: King of monsters 5/10
Filmdagbok del 127
6/4 Pitch perfect 4/10
11/4 Jurtjyrkogården 4/10
13/4 Gerald’s game 4/10
20/4 The ritual 5/10
25/4 Avengers: Endgame 6/10
28/4 Hjärter dam 7/10
Filmdagbok del 126
3/3 Ant-man and the wasp 8/10, Lights out 5/10
7/3 Captain Marvel 7/10
9/3 Solo 6/10
10/3 The open house 4/10
31/3 Us 6/10
Filmdagbok del 125
1/2 Hours 5/10
6/2 The favourite 7/10, Ralph Breaks the Internet 7/10
13/2 If Beale street could talk 7/10, Aniara 5/10
14/2 Eld och lågor 5/10
15/2 Farbror Joakim och knattarna i jakten på den försvunna lampan 8/10, The finest hours 5/10
16/2 Jason Bourne 7/10
17/2 Avengers: Infinity war 7/10
18/2 Mirai no mirai 4/10
21/2 Vice 7/10
22/2 Jurassic Park 9/10
23/2 Bohemian Raphsody 7/10
24/2 Roma 5/10, Spiderman into the spider-verse 8/10
25/2 Coco 9/10
Filmdagbok del 124
4/1 The bookshop 7/10, Bird box 8/10
6/1 Mary Poppins 6/10, Tully 8/10
8/1 Mary Poppins returns 8/10
11/1 Thor: Ragnarok 6/10
16/1 Black panther 5/10
21/1 Glass 6/10
27/1 Jindabyne 6/10
Filmdagbok del 123
3/12 X & Y 7/10
9/12 Spiderman homecoming 7/10
12/12 The green book 9/10, Bumblebee 4/10
14/12 The two faces of january 6/10
25/12 Polarexpressen 6/10
29/12 The Christmas chronicles 8/10
Filmdagbok del 122
3/11 Moon 6/10
4/11 Paranormal activity: Tokyo night 6/10, Halloween (2018) 7/10
15/11 Fantastiska vidunder: Grindewalds brott 5/10
16/11 King Kong (1977) 7/10
19/11 King kong lives 4/10
20/11 Doctor Strange 8/10
22/11 A star is born 8/10
24/11 Dreamcatcher 6/10
Filmdagbok del 121
3/10 The predator 5/10
12/10 Captain America: Civil war 5/10
14/10 Unbreakable 8/10
22/10 Lyrro 3/10, The grudge 3 4/10
26/10 Mulan 8/10
Filmdagbok del 120
1/9 The cave 5/10
2/9 Life 6/10
3/9 Unga Astrid 7/10
6/9 Single white female 7/10
7/9 Ant-man 7/10
9/9 Whole nine yards 6/10
12/9 Gräns 9/10
14/9 En riddares historia 4/10
15/9 The ghostwriter 7/10
19/9 Searching 8/10
20/9 Dragonfly 9/10
22/9 Alive 8/10
26/9 Mamma Mia! Here we go again 5/10
Filmdagbok del 119
3/8 Såsom i en spegel 5/10
5/8 Thor: dark world
14/8 Captain America: the winter soldier 6/10
14/8 Captain America: the winter soldier 6/10
15/8 Guardians of the galaxy 5/10
16/8 Vampyrernas natt 5/10
17/8 Sphere 7/10
19/8 The meg 7/10
19/8 Always 6/10
22/8 Hereditary 6/10, Avengers: age of Ultron 5/10
30/8 Slender man 5/10
Filmdagbok del 118
1/7 Adrift 8/10, Oceans eleven 7/10
2/7 Ocean’s twelve 5/10
4/7 Jurassic world: Fallen kingdom 6/10
8/7 Ocean’s thirteen 6/10
9/7 Ocean’s eight 7/10
13/7 Smultronstället 6/10
14/7 Birdemic 0/10
17/7 Sargad 4/10
18/7 Iron man 3 5/10
27/7 Jungfrukällan 7/10
28/7 The edge 8/10
29/7 En obekväm sanning 8/10, Den gode dinosaurien 5/10, Kattfilmen 6/10
31/7 Fantastic beasts and where to find them 7/10