Lite kul
Lite kul är det med alla dessa små tester och frågesporter på facebook. Har man väl börjat kan man inte sluta. Mer eller mindre stämmer de bra in, lite mer fundersam över den där låten vid mina heta stunder. Visst, som det står förklarat stämmer det kanske bra, men när jag lyssnar på låten, hm.. Lite väl jazzigt kanske. Måste nog påstå att rock passar sig bäst, lr ;) Annars har jag bra många bättre låtar i mitt musikotek. Let's make love med Fatih Hill och Tim McGraw om man ska vara på den riktiga stigen. Har även hört den låen med Emil Sigfridsson som var med i Fame Factory för länge sedan. Blev blixtförälsakd i honom och hans röst. Lovely...
***Blue eyes***
People with blue eyes have the longest lasting relationships. They tend to be kind, pretty or handsome and are very good kissers. They are very satisfying in bed and love to please. They will EXCEED your pleasure standards.If you have light blue eyes you are peaceful with low physical endurance. If you have deep blue eyes you are spiritual, intense and connect with technology. If you have blue/grey eyes you are humanitarian with an altruistic nature.
Your song is: Cant' Get Enough of Your Love, Babe by Barry White
You need that deep, sensual voice to bring you both closer and steamier. something about this song's deep soulful tones that instantly make you want to get naked. Do it and do it often.
What's your love language?
Quality time
Your primary language of love is quality time. Sometimes, not much needs to be said or done, as long as you spend time with friends or that special someone. Sometimes it can be tough to set enough time aside, but some quality time really brightens your week.
What is Your Kissing Personality?
You are what people dream of. Long, slow kisses with just the right amount of tongue.